If you have ever been a wildchild, Deftones would probably have featured in your playlist or post adolescent music collection since Around the Fur broke out in 1997, possibly even sooner. Known for taking their sweet time when making records, they have recently made their fastest album yet, Koi No Yokan. It might also be their best. Chino Moreno has stated that it resembles their 2000 record, our personal favourite – White pony, “The songs are very different from each other, not heavier or slower, but more dynamic, going towards several directions, it’s heavy, but beautiful.”

The album leaked online on November 7, six days prior to the scheduled release date tomorrow.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67oBykAKUuk]

Chino Moreno live at their concert in Singapore last year, photograph by Ryan Chang.