The magic is undeniably in the making- from the initial creative toil to the ever-evolving alterations made to the various aspects of the entire project to the knitty gritties and unexpected situations faced on set, these are the things that we will ultimately come to remember and value most.

Despite some initial hiccups encountered on the day of production, we were soon off to a good place once things settled and creative energies took centre stage. It also helped that Natalie, our model, was one boisterous and incredibly lively character, prancing and singing at whim and adding an all-round sense of cheer. In fact, the stage was all hers the moment we saw her at the auditions- emotive and possessing the layered qualities it takes to play the lead. Having to constantly switch between the twin poles of feminine fragility and a darker, more menacing persona, Natalie proved herself to be a true talent.

With a dedicated and professional team, the collective outcome was the one sole aim everyone worked toward. Trial and error, as well quick thinking on-set were also key in ensuring things moved forward. From appropriating the lazy susan in place of a camera track we didn’t have, to the repetitive takes of unravelling a cloth, to the specifics of choreographing a move, everything was steeped in a kind of precise, yet DIYed vigor. The atmosphere was certainly abuzz with an erotic, purposeful and healthy creative tension.

The last take of the day saw a cascading blanket of sand fall before Natalie’s face. By far the most challenging scene, it was one of those things we had to get right in one attempt. With clear and effective communication, and a directed sense of who’s call to follow, the result was pretty close to what we had envisioned and was the perfect cherry on top of the cake to wrap a day’s work.

Witnessing the materialization of what had been in our heads, on paper and hanging from our lips, it was almost somewhat surreal, yet only fitting that it all came together. We had fun with this one, and hope to start rolling with more of such endeavors real soon!

Photography: Dilys Ng