One of those photographers whose images speak of a certain quietude and silence, yet is wrought with meaning, depth and honesty, Alec Soth remains one of those people we find ourselves going back to time and again. His breakthrough series Sleeping by the Mississipi captivated with its insights into America’s iconic yet often-neglected “third coast.”, and this time he once again ignites our curiosity for humanity and questions the concept of a cosmopolitan society with his latest series ‘Broken Manual’.
“I wasn’t so interested in the politics of it, it was more the fantasy of the man on the run, something I have always been attracted, the fugitive, that kind of story.”
Through a collection of portraits of the men who have removed themselves from society and led a life on the run, Alec Soth’s Broken Manual asks of the viewer to reconsider the social standards that we take for granted and blindly accept in our lives…