Eugenia_Loli_Collage_01 Eugenia_Loli_Collage_08 Eugenia_Loli_Collage_10 Give David a Fish Habits Measure of a Man

Collaging used to be the stuff of childhood classrooms, where the act of cutting and pasting, construction and deconstruction, created intriguing, sometimes nonsensical, new pieces of art. Artist Eugenia Loli takes collaging to a whole new level, however. She used to work in the technology industry, and left that to focus on her art. Some of that background still creeps into her work, though, both symbolically and literally. Each piece seems torn from the past, like old-school Hollywood posters, and given new life and meaning with Loli’s surreal touch, and her work has already been used in Australian designer Alice McCall’s collections.

See more of Loli’s work here.