[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U9KmAlrEXU?rel=0]


By far one of the most intriguing, haunting and bizarre movies we have seen of late, Upstream Colour is for those in the mood to indulge your cerebral side. With its shifting, constantly metamorphosizing plot, this beautifully-shot piece will get under your skin with its  spine-tingling score and dreamy, hazy visuals.

A lofty and rigorous exercise in stretching the limits of one’s imagination, the movie is directed by Shane Carruth, a brilliant cinematic alchemist who also wrote, produced and acted in the piece. An infinite number of interpretations begs to be conjured as one sits through the meandering plot and otherworldly, sometimes transcendental imagery- where the treatment of light and sound is given a hyper-textural and tangible quality.

A rumination on good and evil, love and life and the natural and supernatural forces that coexist within and amongst us, Upstream Colour will take you on beautifully riddled journey that subtly plays out in shifting shades of meaning..

Read more about the film here.